The Best Self-Care Apps of 2021 (The Great 8)
Check out the best self-care apps below. One of the bigger developments that has occurred in our lifetimes has been the increased importance placed on self-care for maintaining good physical and mental health.
Simply put, we all need to take time to focus on ourselves if we want to live our best lives. By doing so, we would also be helping those around us as well.
Fortunately for us, self-care has become easier thanks to a number of innovative apps that have debuted in the marketplace.
There are apps for meditation … for habit tracking … for relationship building … and much more.
But which are the best self-care apps?
Our experts have carefully studied the marketplace and have come up with eight apps that are excellent for promoting self-care. We call these apps “the great 8” and if you are looking for apps to help with self-care these are a terrific place to start.
Here are the eight best self-care apps that our experts identified. They are presented in no particular order:
#1: Best App to Help with Self-Care – Headspace

Ready, set, meditate! Headspace makes it easy to begin practicing meditation thanks to its easy-to-use features. You can meditate to sleep better, meditate to relieve stress, meditate to practice mindfulness and much more. The app is filled with articles, meditation techniques, recordings and more – all designed to help you get the most out of meditation. For example, using the app to establish a morning mindfulness routine could be just what you need to reduce stress and anxiety and get more enjoyment out of life.
By practicing meditation and mindfulness, you’ll learn to focus on the present moment, instead of the past or the future, so that you can get more done and live a more fulfilling life. One of the best ways to practice mindfulness is to meditate and get focused in the morning before you proceed through your day. However, many people have trouble “quieting their mind” and “getting focused” during their meditation sessions. Using the Headspace app can help.
The app helps you relax your body and mind and leaves many people in the perfect mood for some meaningful time to themselves. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to meditate and get in the proper frame of mind to have a great day when you use Headspace.
Best Self-Care App #2 – Calm

Called the happiness app, Calm features everything from great content to sleep stories to guided meditations to music and nature sounds and much more … all designed to help you sleep and feel better.
In fact, Calm reports that among its users 81% reported less stress, 73% expressed higher quality sleep and 84% reported improved mental health. It’s little wonder, with results like this, why Calm calls itself the #1 app for mental health.
In addition to the features mentioned above, Calm also contains such exciting features as gratitude and mood check-ins, masterclasses on peak performance and even lullabies for kids. Plus, new content is added weekly.
When it comes to self-care, maintaining good mental health is now considered crucial. This advance comes after mental health was often ignored in the past.
Failure to reduce stress can lead to poor mental and physical health and ultimately decreased quality of life. Calm is carefully designed to help reduce stress and restore happiness in its users.
Best Self-Care App #3 – Jour Gratitude Journal

When it comes to reducing stress and feelings of depression, one of the best things you can do is physically write down why you are feeling the way you are. This process can help you better understand your emotions and also make you more appreciative of the good things in your life.
Jour offers what it calls “the most loved journaling app.” Its app is used by over 425,000 people and includes articles and tips on living well, reducing anxiety and journaling.
You can journal in the app and you can also complete mood check-ins that help you identify how you are feeling and why you are feeling that way.
You’ll learn how to recognize the symptoms of depression and anxiety and how to get your feelings out “on the page” so that you can feel better and live a happier life.
The app also covers much more including relationship tips, journal prompts for love and articles on everything from how to move on from an ex to how to overcome negative thoughts and much, much more.

Best Self-Care App #4 – Fabulous

This health and fitness app is all about the physical side of self-care. It uses behavioral science to understand why people behave the way they do. Then it provides solutions to help users “follow through on their good intentions.”
Fabulous, which was created at Duke University in North Carolina, calls itself the #1 app for helping you build better habits and achieve your goals. In fact, the creators of Fabulous explain it this way: it is all about “summing up tiny habits into profound long-term changes.”
Features offered by the app include daily coaching, access to a community of like thinkers, ability to create routines and create structure in your daily life, and much more.
It often goes without saying that humans are creatures of habit and often we fall into habits that are not the best. These bad habits can lead to poor mental and physical health. The Fabulous app is designed to reverse these bad habits step by step so that you feel better and happier and are able to live a more active and satisfying life.
Best Self-Care App #5 – Minddoc

This app is another great one for those interested in self-care. The app is specifically for anyone with emotional problems or who just wants to become more aware of their mood and well-being.
The app includes such features as a mood journal that allows users to identify patterns and become aware of areas they need to improve in regards to their happiness.
Additional features include:
- Personalized questions that learn from your answers and are able to go into greater and greater depths with you.
- Detailed health reports and in-depth statistics that allow you to track past feelings and behavior and get a much clearer picture of your emotional state over time
- Beneficial resources that help you better understand emotional problems and their effects
The Minddoc app is basically a mental health companion that can be utilized anytime, 24×7 to help ensure you maintain the best possible emotional state.
Best Self-Care App #6 – Relish

Billed as the #1 relationship coaching and self-care app, Relish is designed to help users develop closer, more connected, healthier relationships. Among other features, the app includes:
- Text-based relationship coaching
- Step-by-step guides to navigate difficult conversations
- Personalized relationship plans
- And more
The app is built on the premise that relationships help define us and make us who we are. They are also important to our overall well-being and happiness.
The app provides users with a variety of tools that they can use to develop the best relationships possible. App creators hope that the benefits that come from having happy, healthy relationships will carry over into other areas of our lives and help us become the best possible versions of ourselves.
Best Self-Care App #7 – Strides

This is another goal and habit-tracking app. The app helps users get organized, build effective routines and stay motivated.
Important features provided by the app include charts and reminders that are designed to help keep the user on track to accomplishing a specific goal.
Other features include:
- Four different tracker types so that users can track everything that matters to them.
- A simple three step goal setting process to help users get started toward their goals
- A daily goals feature that allows users to tag and filter areas of their lives so that they can get organized and stay on track for success
- And much more
Users are also provided with progress reports and motivational messages so that they can build the perfect daily routine and stay motivated and inspired to accomplish their goals.
Best Self-Care App #8 – Masterclass

This personal development app is available on iPhone, iPad, Android, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Roku and Android TV.
Users gain access to videos featuring the world’s best sharing the secrets of how they do what they do. There are cooking videos, basketball videos and videos on practically anything else you can imagine.
It’s a great way to learn a hobby or to improve your skills and knowledge in a specific area. For example, aspiring chefs can get great cooking tips and information from many of the top chefs in the world today.
There are also videos featuring Stephen Curry, Samuel L. Jackson, Neil deGrasse Tyson and many, many more experts.
Today Especially, It’s Important That … “You Do You!”
We are living in very stressful times. People have jam-packed schedules and often feel overwhelmed with work tasks and personal commitments.
Great self-care apps like the ones listed above are a great way to regain control of one’s mental and physical health and begin to take steps to feel better.
You can develop better routines and start to remove harmful stress through meditation and other mindfulness practices.
This is important because it seems like stress is everywhere we are … whether we’re at work, at school, on the road and even at home – and being able to cope with stress is fast becoming an essential life skill.
Being unable to cope with stress has been shown to lead to a myriad of physical problems, including cancer, heart disease, fibromyalgia, migraines, gastrointestinal problems and arthritis, just to name a few.
Stress can also wreak havoc on our emotional states – making us feel tired and grumpy and even depressed.
It’s nice that so many beneficial self-care apps, like the ones listed here, are available.
That’s the great thing about apps. They are quickly filling essential areas of need in our modern lives.
They help us to simplify time-consuming and often complicated tasks. Now thanks to apps we can bank easier and file insurance claims faster.
We can also instantly check on the latest sports statistics or, in the case of self-care, we can get reminders to be cognizant of our emotional health.
New apps are being created every day and at Dedicated Developers, we specialize in helping creators turn their app ideas into reality.
What sets us apart? We have highly knowledgeable and skilled app developers who take pride in staying up to date on the latest in mobile app development. This commitment helps ensure your app doesn’t just meet your expectations – but exceeds them.
You can count on our developers to look upon your project as one of their own. They will become as invested in its success as you are.
That investment will lead them to make suggestions to improve it as the app is developed.
With Dedicated Developers, you are gaining a team of experts who want the same goal that you do – a user-friendly, feature rich app.
We have developed a strong reputation for delivering the highest quality mobile apps – for prices that won’t break your budget.