Which Situations are Best for Outsourcing Web and Mobile Projects?  How Do You Know It Will Work for You? Part 1

Which Situations are Best for Outsourcing Web and Mobile Projects? How Do You Know It Will Work for You? Part 1

PART 1 One of the biggest questions people have about outsourcing is usually: “Will it work for my project?” The answer of course is… It depends. There are lots of situations where outsourcing can be extremely advantageous, and it would be impossible to go through them all in these blog posts. However, what we can do…

How do You Protect Your Intellectual Property? Part 2

How do You Protect Your Intellectual Property? Part 2

PART 2 In Part 1 we covered some of the things you need to do to start protecting your Intellectual Property. If you haven’t read it, click here to read. Registering and recording copyrights You know by now that you need a written agreement assigning you as the owner of the copyrights to any software…

How do You Protect Your Intellectual Property? Part 1

How do You Protect Your Intellectual Property? Part 1

PART 1 One of the greatest concerns you’re likely to have about outsourcing is how to protect your intellectual property (IP) and to be honest, you’d be foolish not to take precautions. Protecting your source code is probably your biggest worry but you should also think about your other IP as well, be it proprietary…

How do you Measure the Success of Outsourcing? Part 1
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How do you Measure the Success of Outsourcing? Part 1

PART 1 There are several different ways you can measure your outsourcing and the one you choose will mainly depend on your personal preference. If you have your own experience with software development then you could measure your outsourcing against your own expertise. You can judge the quality of programming yourself by how well it…

How do You Keep Control of Your Outsourced Software Development? Part 2
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How do You Keep Control of Your Outsourced Software Development? Part 2

PART 2 In Part 1 we covered a number of tools that can be used to keep control of your project. If you haven’t read it, click here to read. How to successfully manage your outsourced projects If you’re entirely new to outsourcing or software development in general, then this section will be very useful;…

How do You Keep Control of Your Outsourced Software Development? Part 1

How do You Keep Control of Your Outsourced Software Development? Part 1

PART 1 There’s no doubt one of the most critical success factors in outsourcing is keeping control of your project, keeping it on track. If you’ve followed the directions so far, then it’s safe to say you’re going to choose a good vendor. However, this is only half the battle for keeping control of your…

How do You Choose a Web and Mobile Outsourcing Vendor? Part 2
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How do You Choose a Web and Mobile Outsourcing Vendor? Part 2

PART 2 In Part 1, we showed you how to Search for and Assess vendors for your outsourcing project. Click here if you haven’t read Part 1. Now we’ll move on and show you how to Choose a Winner. Step 3: Choose a winner Now you have your short-list of vendors who all fit your…

How do You Choose a Web and Mobile Outsourcing Vendor? Part 1

How do You Choose a Web and Mobile Outsourcing Vendor? Part 1

PART 1 Outsourcing is like dating. By far the most important part of the process is selection and picking the right partner. Of course, the question is… How Do You Pick The Right Vendor? In this post we’ll show you a very simple process to do just that so you can avoid a disaster and…

Where Should You Outsource Your Web and Mobile Projects?

Where Should You Outsource Your Web and Mobile Projects?

The world is a complicated, ever-changing place. This is never truer than it is for the world of outsourcing. There are always new ‘centers of excellence’ popping up, places where you can supposedly find the ‘world’s best Java developers,’ the ‘kings of .NET’ or the ‘heroes of iOS.’ Let me tell you… You Can Find…