When and Why You Should Consider Outsourcing Web and Mobile Projects

When and Why You Should Consider Outsourcing Web and Mobile Projects

If you’re seriously considering outsourcing, then I have one very simple piece of advice for you: “woooooah there, wind back a minute, let’s not get too excited; at least, not YET“… You see, the vast majority of outsourcing mistakes and disasters happen for one of two reasons: 1. Outsourcing the wrong thing for the wrong…

Entrepreneurial Productivity: How Can You Achieve It?
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Entrepreneurial Productivity: How Can You Achieve It?

Tips on How You Can Become More Productive at Work and Make Your Business Grow At a Much Quicker Pace Are you getting tired of not producing the results that your business needs? Are you getting frustrated with deadlines not being met, profit targets not being reached and your business goals not being achieved? If…

The Important Facets of Professional Marketing – and Why You Should Know About It
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The Important Facets of Professional Marketing – and Why You Should Know About It

Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs Who Want to Have Successful Marketing Campaigns that Will Effectively Reach Their Target Audience – and Will Result in Greater Profits Marketing, as every successful entrepreneur will tell you – is a vital, even indispensable step to success. Every aspiring business person must learn and understand the important facets of marketing,…

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Give Someone a Fish and They’ll Eat for a Day… Teach them to Fish and They Can FEAST for a Lifetime…

I know, I know, I know… what we’re going to chat about today is going to fall on a lot of ‘deaf ears.’ Fact is, it’s not sexy. Despite the fact that every single one of our clients relies on us for help online, it has NOTHING to do with the Internet. Yet, I assert…

How to Break Through a Glass Ceiling and Catapult Your Business to the Next Level of Success

How to Break Through a Glass Ceiling and Catapult Your Business to the Next Level of Success

The way I see things is that there are two different, and diametrically opposed, ways of thinking when it comes to building your business and making money. There’s ‘employee’ thinking and there’s ‘strategic’ thinking. If you have an employee mindset then you think that working harder is the answer… You spend most of your days…

How to Protect Yourself from ‘Time Thieves’ – In Order to Turn Your Business into a Productive and Profitable Venture

How to Protect Yourself from ‘Time Thieves’ – In Order to Turn Your Business into a Productive and Profitable Venture

A look into how you can have the proper mindset that will result in impressive business results, more income & a better life in the future. Are you looking to make your career and personal life better? Do you want to become more productive at work – in order to reap the benefits of success?…

If ONLY I’d Known… Things Would Be So Different

If ONLY I’d Known… Things Would Be So Different

Is Ignorance an excuse? FORGET IT! Sometimes the simplest things make ALL the difference. It’s rarely due to anything complicated. Many of the ultra-rich, ultra-successful are there with ordinary, ‘mundane’ businesses. Tom Monohan and Dominos — PIZZAS! Howard Schultz and Starbucks — COFFEE! Ray Crock and McDonalds — BURGERS! There are never ending examples. Mega…

Marketing and Branding Principles that Every Entrepreneur Should Know
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Marketing and Branding Principles that Every Entrepreneur Should Know

A Guide on How to Have Effective Marketing and Branding Campaigns that Will Provide You with the Best Results Are you getting tired of marketing campaigns that don’t seem to be producing the results that you want? Are you looking to turn things around – and for a change – actually engage in campaigns that…

Why In the Land of Opportunity Do Most Still Starve?

Why In the Land of Opportunity Do Most Still Starve?

We live in a country that’s arguably the best place on this planet to live… Sure, we have many problems, and the government does everything they can to erode our hard fought and won freedoms. (Another subject for another newsletter.) But, with as many flaws as our country has… it’s the greatest land of opportunity,…