To celebrate and promote the release of The Best-Selling Wild Diet book, Able James wanted to create a top-of-the-line recipe app that featured recipes from the book along with supplementary material and an easy way to opt-in to his subscription newsletter.
Important considerations in the app included: high resolution images on all devices, fast performance, and most importantly the ability to present correct recipes from serving 1 person to a family of 12 and every amount of servings in between.This automated serving size technology was a critical and surprisingly complicated part of the project that Dedicated Developers helped to successfully complete.
Dallas, TX
1 Graphic Designer
1 iOS Developer
1 Back End Developer
1 Product Manager
July 2014
March 2015
During our rapid growth Dedicated Developers has been there each step of the way offering design and coding resources at an extremely affordable rate for a number of specialized products. Always on time and under budget just like it should be!
To ensure the successful realization of Abel James’ vision for the app Dedicated Developer worked hand in hand with the author to create beautiful custom UI and implementation technologies included iOS, xCode, and Android OS.
As well as the development and coding part of the project, our engineers and product managers provided important design and development guidance to navigate the submission guidelines to ensure a successful app launch.
Mail Chimp
Google Maps