Java Development

Things Java Developers should know in 2019 about Kotlin

2018 has been an amazing year for Kotlin. In 2018 we saw Google launch support for Kotlin programming language for Android. Also, over a hundred thousand participants of a survey carried out on StackOverflow voted it as the second favorite language for development services. There’s no doubt that JetBrains is on a roll and this…

Java Development

Google Releases Spring Programming Model for Java on Cloud Platform

Google has taken another major step towards enriching the possibilities for Java developments on it cloud computing platform by collaborating with Pivotal to release Spring Cloud GCP. By introducing the Spring Framework for Java development on its cloud platform, Google implements familiar Spring idioms and abstractions to give those looking to hire a Java developer…

AngularJS Development

Angular vs React – Which is The Best JavaScript Framework in 2018?

As one of the most dynamic and efficient front-end JavaScript libraries for UI, React.JS has been the go-to framework for the majority of developers. It’s relatively more difficult to learn, but the flexibility and efficiency make it fun and efficient to deploy. What are the chances that React.JSis to become the most dominant force in…

Software Product Developer

When is Java a Good Choice for Web Development?

Java Development Services through the Years Java development services have weathered the storm for over 20 years. It has successfully established and retained its position as one of the most popular languages for web developments and considering how many new languages we’ve had in recent times, this is no easy feat. This means that there’s…

Android Development

Why Kotlin is Preferred Over Java for Android App Development

Introduction When we talk about Android app development, almost unanimously, we agree that Java is the appropriate tool to be utilized. While Java is undoubtedly reputable with a wide array of open source tools and libraries, this language is absolutely recondite, giving Android app developers cause for concern. Kotlin, on the other hand, is a…

Java Development Services

Top 3 Reasons Why Java Still Rules Mobile App development

Even after over 20 years, Java still remains the dominant programming language for mobile app development. This notable feat is attributed to several factors inherent in Java application development, ultimately establishing its superiority in the technology world. These factors give any Java developer flexibility which facilitates adoption. Even though fierce competition from Kotlin- a lean,…