Software Product Developer

Skills a Developer Must Have for Successful Product Development

Introduction Over the past few years, the demand for software developers has increased drastically with higher demand in the future. A recent study indicated that the demand for programmers is on a steady increase. The need for software development jobs is the highest due to 9 out of 10 companies analyzed needing programmers. Knowledge and…

Software Product Development

What are the Phases in Product Design and Development

As software solutions are fast becoming more advanced and integrated, they’re becoming more indispensable to our everyday lives. But at the same time, their waxing popularity is upping the stakes in various areas of competition. The tech world has witnessed various shapes and sizes of innovations and prospects already. From machine plants to learning facilities…

Software Product Development

Tips to Accelerate Your Software Product Development Process

Amazon changes their software every 11 seconds. This culminates in an average of 8,000 changes daily. Is this possible because they’re Amazon – the online giant, or because they know certain tips that their competitors do not? You can bet it’s the latter. Thankfully, you don’t have to be Amazon to get access to these…